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Offices & Services


Offices & Services

Office   Location Phone Email
Academic Success Equips students with tools to help them formulate plans, improve their study habits, manage their time, establish priorities, and communicate more effectively with faculty, staff and peers. Braniff Graduate Building, First Floor   mspring@sanmingzhi.net
Alumni Relations  Alumni communication, volunteer options and events. Cardinal Farrell Hall, Third Floor, Suite 310 972-721-4046 udalum@sanmingzhi.net
Americans with Disabilities Act  University ADA services Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, #111 972-721-5056 ada@sanmingzhi.net
Archives & Special Collections Archives the University's history, manages the Library's special collections Cowan - Blakley Memorial Library: Lower Level Archives 972-721-5075 archives@sanmingzhi.net
Art Gallery Inviting an array of contemporary artists to the university's campus Art History Building, Haggerty Art Village 972-721-5087 gallery@sanmingzhi.net
Bookstore Textbooks, Course Materials, Apparel, and Accessories. J.M. Haggar, Sr. University Center, Main Floor 972-721-5320 udallas@bkstr.com
Career Development Career counseling and coaching, internships & job board. Cardinal Farrell Hall, Second Floor, Suite 204 972-721-4062 career@sanmingzhi.net
Civil Rights Office Providing work, living, and learning environments that are free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, #111 972-721-5056 titleix@sanmingzhi.net
Conferences & Events We have several venues available for meetings, social events, and more. William A. Blakley Building, Lower Level 972-721-5123 meetatud@sanmingzhi.net
Counseling Center We provide counseling related to all late adolescent and early adulthood issues, college life issues, and psychological issues. J.M. Haggar, Sr. University Center, 2nd floor  972-721-4045  counseling@sanmingzhi.net
Development & University Relations Establishing and fostering relationships with and among university stakeholders. Cardinal Farrell Hall, Third Floor, Suite 310 972-721-5053 udrelations@sanmingzhi.net
Dining Services Real Food on Campus J.M. Haggar, Sr. University Center, Basement 972-721-5190  
Financial Aid Assisting in paying for college. Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, Suite 160 972-721-5266 - Toll Free:1-800-628-6999 - Fax:972-721-5074 finaid@sanmingzhi.net
Fitness Center Serving the UD Community. Ed Maher Athletic Center 972-265-5773 fitness@sanmingzhi.net
General Counsel Providing legal services to the University of Dallas.

Cardinal Farrell Hall, Third Floor

972-721-5053 hlachenauer@sanmingzhi.net
Health Services Health Clinic for UD students. J.M. Haggar, Sr. University Center, 2nd Floor 972-721-5322 lbrodriguez@sanmingzhi.net
Housing Creating a vibrant campus environment. Haggar University Center, Second Floor 972-721-5323 studentaffairs@sanmingzhi.net
Human Resources Staffing, benefits, training & employee relations. Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, Suite 140 972-721-5382 hrdept@sanmingzhi.net
Information Technology Systems Email, network, and computer support for UD Gorman Lecture Center, Rooms F & G   support@sanmingzhi.net
Institutional Effectiveness Data collection, analysis and reporting Cardinal Farrell Hall, Second Floor, Suite 226 972-721-5744 ie@sanmingzhi.net
Institutional Review Board Rights and welfare of human subjects in research Augustine Hall, First Floor 972-721-4071 garza@sanmingzhi.net
International Student Services Information on I-20s, housing, international student activities SB Hall, Ste. 100 972-721-5059  
Library Maintain collections, resources for students, alumni, faculty, staff and visitors Cowan - Blakley Memorial Library 972-721-5328 library@sanmingzhi.net
Military & Veteran Services Assisting veteran and families in cooperation with the VA & TVC. Cardinal Farrell Hall
First Floor
1845 E Northgate Dr., Irving, TX 75014
Fax: 972-721-5132
Notary Services Provides notary services on campus. Multiple Locations on Campus 972-721-5134  
Office of Finance Payroll and accounts payable Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, Suite 120 972-721-5244  
Police Department Physical security, Clery Act safety and emergency services Lower Level Blakley Building 972-721-5305 cso@sanmingzhi.net
Print Lab Provides students access to printing services. Gorman Lecture Center, Room H (Lower Gorman)   support@sanmingzhi.net
Printing and Postal Provides printing and postal services J.M. Haggar, Sr. University Center (Lower Level) 972-721-4015 PrintQueue@UDallas.edu
Provost UD's Chief Academic Office Cardinal Farrell Hall, Second Floor, Suite 220 972-721-5226 ProvostOffice@sanmingzhi.net
Registrar Student Registration Services Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, Suite 180 972-721-5221 registrar@sanmingzhi.net
Residence Life Creating a vibrant campus environment. Haggar University Center, Second Floor 972-721-5323 studentlife@sanmingzhi.net
Rome & Summer Programs Rome Program and other study opportunities in Irving and Rome. Braniff Graduate Building, Lower Level 972-721-5206 udrome@sanmingzhi.net
Student Account Services Tuition and fee payments Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor, Suite 120 972-721-5144 bursar@sanmingzhi.net
Student Activities Educational, cultural, social and recreational programming. Haggar University Center, Main Floor 972-721-5273 studentactivities@sanmingzhi.net
Student Life  Creating a vibrant campus environment. Haggar University Center, Second Floor 972-721-5323 studentaffairs@sanmingzhi.net